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Rustic Paint Colors

Thursday May 10th, 2018
Finding the right color scheme or palette for your home can be both daunting and exhausting; however, it can also be an opportunity to bring out your home’s personality while also reflecting your own taste. Additionally, there is no need to feel the pressure to keep the same color scheme throughout your home. Each room can reflect a different side of your personality.
Naturally, we favor the rustic, cabin-inspired decor that has become prominent in many 21st century homes. In this post, we’ll cover the right colors to complement that rustic look you’re aiming for.

Types of Home Color Schemes

When choosing the colors for your home, whether rustic or modern, it’s important to understand how color schemes work and the differences between existing schemes. According to Freshome, there are 4 possible color schemes:
  • 1) MONOCHROMATICA monochromatic color scheme will often use white or black to lighten or darken a given color. For example, using blue as your primary color can produce a pale blue or midnight blue depending on lightening or darkening the color.
  • 2) ANALOGOUSThe colors used in this color scheme are ones that can be found next to each other on the color wheel. These colors are clearly not in contrast with each other, which can provide a soothing aesthetic regardless of the chosen primary color.
  • 3) CONTRASTConversely, a contrasted color scheme brings a vibrant energy to your home. This scheme uses a trio of contrasting colors, such as red/purple, yellow/orange, and green/blue.
  • 4) COMPLEMENTARYHere, two opposing colors on the color wheel, such as red/green or blue/yellow,  are used to bring a strong dynamic to your home that is often quite bold.
Typically, a monochromatic or analogous color scheme work best when working with a rustic aesthetic.

The Best Colors for Rustic Decor

Fall colors often work best with rustic home decor, but it would be a mistake to think that this limits your color choices; in fact, the rustic color palette provides ample choices for your decor.
rustic color palette with yellow paint
This loft showcases how a rustic color can still add personality while also brightening up the room. Mustard yellow is a great choice if you’re thinking a bit outside the box of browns and oranges.
bedrooms with tan walls
There is actually more variety than you think when exploring the browns of the world, including this soothing maple color. It’s smooth, inviting, and perfectly complements the white linens on the bed.
off white living room with navy couches
There is actually quite a bit going on in this rustic living room: the wood floors, the off-white rustic walls, wicker and wood furniture, but what really catches our attention is how well the navy couches work with this rustic theme. Also, the mustard pillow is perfectly placed in the lead of succeeding fall-colored pillows.
rustic bedroom with exposed beams
Pale or light blues are not often thought of when rustic decor comes to mind, but as you can clearly see these monochromatic blues work perfectly with the rustic wood beams along the ceiling as well as the wood floors.
As evidenced with the small sampling above, there are many color options available to you as you plan out the rustic aesthetic of your home. To complete your rustic look, be sure to visit Rustica Hardware.
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